Chaser (dog)

Chaser is a Border Collie dog with the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. She can identify 1,022 toys by their name and retrieve them. She was taught by retired Wofford College professor and psychologist John Pilley, with the formal research published.

Chaser knows over a thousand names of items, more than any other animal of any species except humans. In addition to common nouns like house, ball and tree, she has memorized the names of more than one thousand toys and can retrieve any of them on command. Based on that learning, she and her owner and trainer, retired psychologist John Pilley, have moved on to further impressive feats, demonstrating her ability to understand sentences with multiple elements of grammar and to learn new behaviors by imitation.

See also

  • Betsy, a border collie known to understand over 340 words
  • Rico, a border collie who was reported to understand over 200 words
  • Koko, a gorilla who learned sign language
  • Kanzi, a bonobo who has learnt language through keyboard lexigrams
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