The CharlieCard is a MIFARE-based, contactless, stored value smart card used for electronic ticketing as part of the Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system installed by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) at its stations and on its vehicles. The CharlieCard was made available to the general public beginning December 4, 2006. The last metal token was sold on December 6, 2006, at Government Center station.
The CharlieCard is named after a fictional character in a folk music song often called "Charlie on the MTA", which concerns a man trapped forever on the Boston subway system (then known as the Metropolitan Transit Authority, or MTA) because he cannot pay the 5-cent surcharge required to leave the train. Since the card's introduction, the Charlie character has been used on a variety of MBTA signs, including construction and directional signage.
The CharlieCard is named after the title character in the 1948 protest folk music song, "Charlie on the MTA". The song was written to protest a fare increase in the form of an extra five cent exit fare for longer rides and was later made popular by the Kingston Trio in 1959.
Die isch ja filmryf
die szene i dere frytignacht
dr mond isch es wysses runds loch
& luegt glych zur wösch uus win I
Hie bin I lang
viu z lang allei gsi
& ha fläsche ghöut
schtunge zeut i däm viu z grosse bett
& ha gseh
wie sech d wäut wacker dräit
...nume nid um mi...
& jitz bisch du cho
grad jitz
won I's nümm hätti dänkt
& luegsch dry
wie wenn's öppis schön z gwinne gäb
für di & für mi
im schlimmschte fall nume e nacht
I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di
& male se scharlachrot a
I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz
chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt
drzwüsche chunnt
& jitz bisch du cho
grad jitz
won I's nümm hätti dänkt
& luegsch dry
wie wenn's öppis schön z gwinne gäb
für di & für mi
im schlimmschte fall nume e nacht
I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di
& male se scharlachrot a
I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz
chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt
drzwüsche chunnt
I boue mir myni tröim uuf rund um di
& male se scharlachrot a
I brönne mir di name z mitts i mys härz
chönnt schwöre dass I ewig blybe we üs nüt