A chantry or (from Latin) obiit ("he has departed"; may also refer to the mass or masses themselves) was a form of trust fund established during the pre-Reformation medieval era in England for the purpose of employing one or more priests to sing a stipulated number of masses for the benefit of the soul of a specified deceased person, usually the donor who had established the chantry in his will, during a stipulated period of time immediately following his death. It was believed such masses would speed the deceased's soul through its undesirable and indeterminate period in Purgatory onwards to eternal rest in Heaven. Clearly once the soul had reached Heaven the ideal state for the Christian human soul had been attained, and the saying of masses would serve no further function. Thus the concept of Purgatory was central to the perceived need for chantries. Chantries were commonly established in England and were endowed with lands, rents from specified properties and other assets by the donor, usually in his will. The income from these assets maintained the chantry priest.
A chantry is a monetary trust fund established by pre-Reformation English churches.
Chantry may also refer to:
When I see you walking down the hallway in school things go across my mind.
You smile ask me how im doing and I say fine.
Knowing that I feel some type of way I manage to say ok,
That’s when I realize.
Boy im going crazy over you, you got me doing things that I would never do.
Boy I wanna take and make you my own toy.
I’m going crazy over you, you boy.
As I sitting in class not listening to what my teacher says.
Writing x and o’s in my notebook checking out how good you look.
I’m thinking bout how far we can go, all that we can be I just wanna see.
Boy I’m going crazy over you, you got me doing things that I would never do.
Boy I wanna take and make you my own toy.
I’m going crazy over you, you boy.
Yea, im going crazy over you, you make me do things that I would never do, like stop and stare and look in your eyes. Now I know I feel some type of way by my feelings inside.
Boy I’m going crazy over you, you got me doing things that I would never do.
Boy I wanna take and make you my own toy.
I’m going crazy over you, you boy.
I’m going crazy, over you
I’m going crazy, over you
I’m going crazy, over you
I’m going crazy, over you
boy Yea.