The Chagossians (also Îlois or Chagos Islanders) are people of African, Indian and Malay ancestry who previously inhabited the Chagos Islands, specifically Diego Garcia, Peros Banhos, and the Salomon island chain, as well as other parts of the Chagos Archipelago. Most Chagossians now live in Mauritius and the United Kingdom after being forcibly evicted by the British government in the late 1960s and early 1970s so that Diego Garcia, the island where most Chagossians lived, could serve as the location for a United States military base. Today, no Chagossians live on the island of Diego Garcia, as it is now the site of the military base Camp Justice.
The Chagossian people's ancestry is mostly African, particularly from Madagascar, Mozambique and other African nations including Mauritius. There is also a significant proportion of Indian and Malay ancestry. The French brought some to the Chagos islands as slaves from Mauritius in 1786. Others arrived as fishermen, farmers, and coconut plantation workers during the 19th century.
Modernizar o passado
uma evoluo musical
Cad as notas que estavam aqui?
No presciso delas!
Basta deixar tudo soando bem aos ouvidos
O medo d origem ao mal
O homem coletivo sente a necessidade de lutar
O orgulho, a arrogncia, a glria
Enche a imaginao de domnio
So demnios os que destroem o poder
Bravio da humanidade
Viva Zapata
Viva Sandino
Antnio Conselheiro
Todos os Panteras Negras
Lampio sua imagem e semelhana