Dong-ha, also spelled Tong-ha, is a Korean masculine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 24 hanja with the reading "dong" and 24 hanja with the reading "ha" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
People with this name include
Fictional characters with this name include:
Đông Hà ( listen) is the capital of Quảng Trị Province, Vietnam. Đông Hà is situated at the crossroads of National Highway 1A and Route 9, part of the East–West Economic Corridor (EWEC). It lies on the North–South Railway (Reunification Express) and is served by Đông Hà Railway Station. EWEC is an economic development program which includes north-east Thailand, Southern Laos, and central Vietnam.
During the Vietnam War, Đông Hà was the northernmost town in South Vietnam and was the location on a strategically important United States Marine Corps Đông Hà Combat Base, to support Marine positions along the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Đông Hà was overrun on March 31, 1972, during the initial assaults of the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive.
Tourists come to Đông Hà nowadays, especially ex-servicemen from the U.S. and Vietnam, who nearly always include a DMZ tour in their programs. The contemporary Vietnamese singer Như Quỳnh was born in Đông Hà in 1970.