Causey Pike is a fell in the English Lake District. It is situated in the Newlands Valley, 5 km south west of the town of Keswick. Even though it has a modest height of 637 metres (2,090 ft) it is one of the most distinctive fells when viewed from the Derwent Water and Keswick area due to its distinguishing summit "nobble" which catches the eye. The fell is one of 214 fells described by Alfred Wainwright in his series of Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells: Causey Pike features in Book Six, The North Western Fells.
The North Western Fells occupy the area between the rivers Derwent and Cocker, a broadly oval swathe of hilly country, elongated on a north-south axis. Two roads cross from east to west, dividing the fells into three convenient groups. The central sector, rising between Whinlatter Pass and Newlands Pass, includes Causey Pike. The highest ground in the North Western Fells is an east-west ridge in this central sector, beginning with Grasmoor above Crummock Water and then gradually descending eastwards over Crag Hill, Sail, Scar Crags and Causey Pike.
Saw you walking on your velvet lawn
Is it lonely on the moon?
You took a dive and swallowed all you could
Did you drink too much too soon?
Nothing left for you to fight about
No one wants to see you try
The nearest neighbors are a mile away
Does the ocean hear you cry?
Punching at the sky
They say the king is losin' his grip again
They say you're bullet proof, they say you feel no pain
It seems the hero is misunderstood again
Is it love or is it surgery?
Makes her seem so ill at ease
As she's begging you to please calm down
In her silk Armani on her knees
Did you carry out those threats I heard
Or were you only playing macho?
And the stains on her Versace scarf
Were they really just Gazpacho? Gazpacho
They say the king is watching his back again
They say the king is losing his grip again
Raging like a bull to an empty ring
Do you think they will forgive a hero anything?
Now the ring is just a band of gold
And your wife needs police protection
While you're sparring with the journalists
You're trying to win back her affection
Is this what it means to be a man
Boxing up all your emotions?
So now she's gone, you're alone at last
You can tell it to the ocean
They say the king is losing his grip again
They say the king is countin' his numbered days
You never lost a fight in your whole life
You never had no trouble sleepin' through the night
The bottle and the doctor get you through the day
The boys who run the house'll make it all okay
You think they will forgive a hero anything
Maybe Hollywood but then and then again
Hollywood is just a band of gold
Hollywood is just a band of gold
Hey children look