Catch were a British indie pop group consisting of musicians Toby Slater (vocals and keyboards), Wayne Murray (bass and vocals) and Ben Etchells (guitar). The band were signed to Virgin Records and released two singles - "Bingo", which reached No. 23 in the UK Singles Chart, and "Dive In", which reached No. 44. The band released one self-titled album, which was only issued in Indonesia. The album is no longer in print or available online, however various tracks have surfaced on file and video sharing websites over the years.
Reputedly formed when Slater, Murray and Etchells kissed the same girl at a party, Catch were in fact formed from the ashes of Brattish, Slater's first band, formed in 1994/95, which also included Etchells. Brattish rehearsed the Catch material extensively, paid for by interested A&R men, but never gigged. Slater also was a driving-force behind the short-lived "Romo" movement in the autumn/winter of 1995, DJ-ing at "Arcadia".
"Bingo" was Catch's biggest hit, and resulted in the band appearing on Top Of The Pops, Light Lunch, The Paul Ross Show (performing three songs live), The Jack Docherty Show and various Saturday morning UK TV shows. "Bingo" was also being shown on the ITV Chart Show when ITN interrupted programming to report on the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997. Slater also presented some shows on MTV around this time. An album was quickly released in Indonesia due to the band's popularity there, but was never released in the UK due to Slater being unhappy with it at the time. The band visited Jakarta for a promotional tour and performed acoustically for fans.
In baseball, a catch occurs when a fielder gains secure possession of a batted ball in flight, and maintains possession until he voluntarily or intentionally releases the ball. When a catch occurs, the batter is out, and runners, once they properly tag up (retouch their time-of-pitch base), may attempt to advance at risk of being tagged out.
Unlike in American football and other sports, neither secure possession for a time nor for a number of steps is enough to demonstrate that a catch has occurred. A fielder may, for example, appear to catch and hold a batted ball securely, take a few more steps, collide with a wall or another player, and drop the ball. This is not a catch.
Umpires signal a catch with the out signal: a fist raised into the air, often with a hammering motion; if there is doubt about it, the umpire will likely shout "That's a catch!" On a close no-catch, the umpire will signal with the safe signal, which is both arms swept to the side and extended, accompanied by the call "No catch, no catch!" with an emphasis on the word "no".
Catch, or playing catch, is one of the most basic children's games, often played between children or between a parent and child, wherein the participants throw a ball, beanbag, Flying disc or similar object back and forth to each other. At early stages in a child's life, playing catch is a good way to evaluate and improve the child's physical coordination. Notably, "[i]f a child cannot catch a ball that he or she is bouncing, it is unlikely the child will be able to play catch". Most children begin to be able to play catch around the age of four. As one source explains with respect to children of this age:
Because playing catch requires at least two participants, and because participants can be substituted at any point during the game, catch can be used to place children in social situations where they will interact with each other. For example, this can be done by first having one child play catch with an adult, and then bringing other children into the game or substituting another child for the adult, at which point the adult can leave entirely. As children become more adept at the skills used to catch a thrown object and return it to the thrower, these skills are incorporated into more complex games played with larger groups of participants, such as hot potato, dodgeball, and keep away. Playing catch can improve an aptitude for sports that involve catching and throwing, such as baseball, football, and basketball.
Dazzle may refer to:
Lee Soo-Young (born Lee Ji Yeon, April 12, 1979 in Seoul, South Korea) is a Korean ballad singer. She made her debut in 1999 in Korea with the hit “I Believe.” Currently, she has nine released albums and five mini-albums (labeled as Holiday in Lombok, Classic, As Time Goes By, An Autumn Day, Once) and sang six OSTs. She’s recognized in Korea for her powerful voice and although she rarely appears in her own music videos, she has earned a lot of popularity. She has also recently appeared on a number of variety shows, displaying her sense of humour and her ability to be comical and carefree, adding to her popularity. Today she is considered one of Korea’s most famous and accomplished ballad singers.
In 2001, she sang the official Korean version of the Final Fantasy X song “Suteki Da Ne” in Korean, titled “얼마나 좋을까” (“Eolmana Joheulkka”).
She released her seventh album, Grace, on January 21, 2006. It performed very well, able to shoot straight to the top of the charts. The popularity of the album led to a limited edition (repackage) release of Grace, of which only 30,000 copies were produced.
Dazzle is a video recorder that allows people to record video from analog composite video sources (DVD Player, VCR, etc.) over USB. It also records analog stereo audio.
There are two different ways one can connect components to the Dazzle. One way is to connect a VCR or video game console directly into the unit with RCA or S video. Another way is to use three composite splitters to split the AV signal, sending one into the Dazzle, and another to a TV. This method is popular for recording from video game consoles, since it provides a real time feed into a TV (used as a preview monitor) while simultaneously capturing the footage.
In Christian theology, the fall of man, or the fall, is a term used to describe the transition of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience. Although not named in the Bible, the doctrine of the fall comes from a biblical interpretation of Genesis chapter 3. At first, Adam and Eve lived with God in the Garden of Eden, but the serpent tempted them into eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which God had forbidden. After doing so, they became ashamed of their nakedness and God expelled them from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and becoming immortal.
For many Christian denominations the doctrine of the fall is closely related to that of original sin. They believe that the fall brought sin into the world, corrupting the entire natural world, including human nature, causing all humans to be born into original sin, a state from which they cannot attain eternal life without the grace of God. The Eastern Orthodox Church accepts the concept of the fall but rejects the idea that the guilt of original sin is passed down through generations, based in part on the passage Ezekiel 18:20 that says a son is not guilty of the sins of his father. Calvinist Protestants believe that Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for the elect, so they may be redeemed from their sin. Judaism does not have a concept of "the fall" or "original sin" and has varying other interpretations of the Eden narrative. Lapsarianism, the logical order of God's decrees in relation to the Fall, is the distinction, by some Calvinists, as being supralapsarian (antelapsarian, before the Fall) or infralapsarian (sublapsarian, postlapsarian, after the Fall).