In linguistics, cataphora (/kəˈtæfərə/; from Greek, καταφορά, kataphora, “a downward motion” from κατά, kata, “downwards” and φέρω, pherō, “I carry”) is the use of an expression or word that co-refers with a later, more specific, expression in the discourse. The preceding expression, whose meaning is determined or specified by the later expression, may be called a cataphor. Cataphora is a type of anaphora (and cataphors are a type of anaphors), although the terms anaphora and anaphor are sometimes used in a stricter sense, denoting only cases where the order of the expressions is the reverse of that found in cataphora.
An example of cataphora in English is the following sentence:
In this sentence, the pronoun he (the cataphor) appears earlier than the noun John (the postcedent) that it refers to. This is the reverse of the more normal pattern, "strict" anaphora, where a referring expression such as John or the soldier appears before any pronouns that reference it. Both cataphora and anaphora are types of endophora.
I woke up from a driven coma.
Around me bewildered glances, stunned by fear,
Ghosts with bruised bodies.
Faces obscure and sting.
Who don't know anything about themselves.
The night annihilated what they built during the day.
Daylight promotes the weary comedy of courtesy,
With the favour of darkness the heroin of denial comes.
Flowers in fire.
Torturing visions.
Withdrawal of anguishes.
Blood-soaked wadding
Flowers in fire.
Torturing visions.
Around me bewildered glances, stunned by fear.
I was guided by your scent, toward enchanting climes
A speedy fire ran my veins and knocked at my heart.
My brain is bleeding, pierced by surgical tool Raped and slaughtered to make me feel good.
Flowers in fire.
Torturing visions.
Withdrawal of anguishes.
Blood-soaked wadding.
Flowers in fire.
Torturing visions.
Around me bewildered glances, stunned by fear.
I refused to modify my genealogical inheritance
‘Cause I was afraid the mirror would have ceased to shine
stiff and pitifully unsatisfied by existence awfully crucified to life.
I woke up from a driven coma, it was necessary.
Around me bewildered glances, stunned by fear,
Ghosts with bruised bodies.