Cassiques (junior) and landgraves (senior) were intended to be a fresh new system of titles of specifically American lesser nobility, created for hereditary representatives in a proposed upper house of a bicameral Carolina assembly.
They were proposed in the late 17th century and set out in the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. The Fundamental Constitutions were never ratified by the assembly, and were largely abandoned by 1700.
The upper house, consisting of the Landgraves and Casiques..are..a middle state between Lords and Commons. (1702)
They are there by Patent, under the Great Seal of the Provinces, call'd Landgraves and Cassocks, in lieu of Earls and Lords. (1707)
Cacique, a native chief or ‘prince’ of the aborigines in the West Indies and adjacent parts of America. (1555)
The title Cassique was bestowed upon the Chief (Chieftain) or leader of the Native American tribes (mainly the Kiawah Indians) which originally settled the low-country of South Carolina, near modern day Charleston, South Carolina. The Kiawah Indians referred to the area where the peninsula of the city of Charleston, SC located between the modern day Ashley River (then known as the Kiawah River) and the Cooper River (called the Wando River) as "Chicora". The Cassique of Kiawah, who had traded with the Cape Fear Barbadian colony and sent his nephew as an emissary to England with explorer Captain Robert Sandford in 1666, was a friend to the English and urged the English to settle the area known as "Chicora". The Cassique's motivating factors were both financial and the Intrinsic motivation of Tranquility as the Kiawah Indians would gain an established trading partner with the English as well as protection from the Spanish in Florida and the neighboring Westoe tribe who were known cannibals and had attacked the Kiawah Indians on several occasions.
Viva a vida
O teu sonho, tua fantasia
Viva sua vida
Eu vou na frente
Pra quebrar essa corrente
Que segura essa gente
Que não deixa ela crescer
Eu falo alto só pra ver se ela me escuta
É todo dia nessa luta
Mais um dia eu vou vencer...
O vento soprando em meu rosto
É bom...
No fim do horizonte eu vejo o sol
Você tem que deixar de mentir
Acreditar na cultura do nosso país
Pois aqui eu tenho a natureza,
Eu tenho a natureza
Eu sou congueiro, batuqueiro
Sou guerreiro, sou da Barra do Jucu...