Casetas is a borough of Zaragoza (Spain) located 15 km west of the city.
Casetas is a population entity that is 14 km (9 mi) from Zaragoza, its administrative capital. From July 1, 1879 by decision of the City Council of the former town of Las Casetas, this place began to be a neighborhood of the city of Zaragoza. Nowadays it is the most populated neighborhood of the 14 rural neighborhoods that the city has. Casetas is situated in the northwest corner of the municipality of Zaragoza, at 215 m (705 ft) of altitude, it borders Sobradiel on the north, Garrapinillos on the south, Utebo on the east and Pinseque, Alagón and La Joyosa on the west. The municipal term of Casetas has an area of 3.15 km2 (1.22 sq mi). The mayor of Casetas is Mr. José Luis Román Escuer.
Casetas had a population of 7,605 inhabitants in 2010. The population of Casetas grew in the 20th century because of the construction of the railway train and the building of an Opel factory in the 1980s. Due to the arrival of foreign population, Casetas's population grew in the 21st century.
Has this city always looked this way?
The streets are washed of their decay
Traffic's lighter than it usually seems
Each car's trying to navigate the streams
Acid stains the concrete
Eating all the cracks for mothers broken backs in streams
Puddles line the side streets
When it rains it's the only time it seems
A city's clean
I make my way down the side walk
To the cafe that's around the block
I'm met with umbrella's piling at the door
and the sound of rubber souls squeaking on the floor
Has this city always looked this way
The streets are washed of their decay
I sip on coffee and wait out the storm
Beyond the asphalt watch the rainbows form