Croton eluteria
Croton eluteria, known as Cascarilla, is a plant species of the genus Croton, that is native to the Caribbean. It has been naturalized in other tropical regions of the Americas. It grows to be a small tree or tall shrub, rarely reaching 20 feet in height. Leaves scanty, alternate, ovate-lanceolate, averaging 2 inches long, closely scaled below, giving a metallic silver-bronze appearance, with scattered white scales above. The flowers are small, with white petals, and very fragrant, appearing in March and April. The scented bark is fissured, pale yellowish brown, and may be covered in lichen.
Tincture from the bark is used as a tonic and stimulant, and a fever reducer. Cascarilla bark is also used to flavour the liqueurs Campari and Vermouth.
Chemical constituents
Cascarilla bark contains anywhere between 1 and 3% volatile oils, a unique series of diterpenoid compounds called Cascarillins, lignins, tannin, and resins. There are also a long list of aromatic terpene and diterpene compounds, including pinene, vanillin, D-limonene, and thujene.