Cartennas, also known as Cartenna and Cartennae, was a Roman colonia in Mauretania Caesariensis. It is now called Ténès in modern Algeria.
Cartennas was an ancient city that already existed in the eighth century BC, and was then called "Cartinna" or "Kartenna". The plural form "Cartennae", used in addition to the singular "Cartenna" (feminine) or "Cartennas" (masculine), suggests two cities, an ancient Berber and a dependence port of the Phoenicians: the first at the wadi Allal just 1.5 km from its mouth, while the second near the Mediterranean sea. Cartennas was first a Phoenician and later a Carthaginian city.
After 150 BC, Cartennas was dominated by the Romans. Emperor Augustus in 30 BC established there a colony of veterans of the Legio II Augusta and the city started to grow in importance. Augustus even founded in what is now coastal Algeria the following Roman colonies: Igilgili, Saldae, Tubusuctu, Rusazu, Rusguniae, Aquae Calidae, Zuccabar and Gunugu. All these colonies were connected to Cartennas in a military way with strong commercial links. When the French conquered the area in the 1830s they confused Cartennas with Mostaganem, 50 km to the west, but the discovery of epitaphs -a few years later- in the Berber-Arab village of Tenes helped solve the mistake.
Well she's my hot potato
She's my home dictator
Got her own sweet flavour
When I go down low
She's my girly Bono
She's my Yoko Ono
She goes oh no no no
But I love her so
You and me
Trying hard to build a family
You and me
Life is kind of phony
Holy matrimony
Dont you see
You and I were allways meant to be
I wont flee
All I wanna do is get down on my knees
Well she's my hot potato
She's my home dictator
Got her own sweet flavour
When I go down low
She's my girly Bono
She's my Yoko Ono
She goes oh no no no
But I love her so
Dont you see
You and I were allways meant to be
I wont flee
All I wanna do is get down on my knees
Well she's my hot potato
She's my home dictator
Got her own sweet flavour
When I go down low
She's my girly Bono
She's my Yoko Ono
She goes oh no no no
But I love her so
I saw her dance
I saw her smile
She crossed the floor
I reached for the door
She caught my eye
She made me cry
She tamed the sky
And made me fly
Well she's my hot potato
She's my home dictator
Got her own sweet flavour
When I go down low
She's my girly Bono
She's my Yoko Ono
She goes oh no no no
But I love her so
She's my hot potato
She's my home dictator
Got her own sweet flavour
She's my girly Bono
She's my Yoko Ono