Year. Senior. Birkland was the No ... He carded a one-under-par round of 71 over 18 holes at Veenker during the 3A state meet to tie MOC-Floyd Valley's Carson Korver and Washington's RomanRoth for the third-lowest individual score.HudsonWhite, Gilbert.
Freshman right-hander CarsonJasa took over for Horn in the sixth. In his first appearance out of the bullpen since the Washington series, the freshman struggled to readjust to the role after starting two games in as many weeks ... on Sunday ... .
MikeBraun attended PresidentDonald Trump's executive order signing in Washington, D.C ... “Can’t the state of Indiana do a whole lot better of a job of spending dollars on education rather than bureaucrats in Washington, D.C,” Banks asked in February.
CarsonBeck's transition from Georgia to Miami has been anything but typical—and he hasn’t even taken the field yet ... "(Carson) Beck, either by Kirby (Smart) letting him go, or choosing to go, either way is a big red flag ... MORE ON CARSON BECK..
After their clerkship, Richard Garnett helped recruit Barrett to the boutique Washington law firm where he worked ...The state won that case, but lost when a subsequent case about the program, Carson v Makin, came before the supreme court.
... secretary of the Interior, a businessman from Oregon, replaced scientists in the department with political hacks, Carson wrote a letter to the WashingtonPost.