A carrack was a three- or four-masted sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Genoese for use in commerce. They were widely used by Europe's 15th-century maritime powers, from the Mediterranean to northwest Europe, although each region had models of slightly different design. The Portuguese and the Spanish used them for oceanic travel and to explore the world.
With linguistic variation, these ships were called: caracca or nao in the Genoese dialect and in Castillian Spanish; nau in Portuguese; caraque or nef in French. The name ‘carrack’ probably derives from the Arab Harraqa, a type of ship that first appeared along the shores of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers roughly during the 9th century.
Carracks were ocean-going ships: large enough to be stable in heavy seas, and roomy enough to carry provisions for long voyages. They were usually square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast. They had a high rounded stern with large aftcastle, forecastle and bowsprit at the stem. As the forerunner of the great ships of the age of sail, the carrack was one of the most influential ship designs in history; while ships became more specialized, the basic design remained unchanged throughout this time period.
I knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
(You don't think you can)
They don't sell the product to you
They sell you to the product
They don't give a fuck about you
They just want their deadly dosh
I wish you could see through this
I wish you could believe
That you can really do this
I know you can
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
You don't think you can
They don't want to know about
Your aspirations
They don't care about where they are
Sending you to
They dont't mind they don't mind
To blacken your stream
They are pulling you along
So when will you see
That i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
(dreaming of returning
you are dreaming of returning to that
to that same world