Carotenoids, also called tetraterpenoids, are organic pigments that are found in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms, including some bacteria and some fungi. Carotenoids can be produced from fats and other basic organic metabolic building blocks by all these organisms. The only animals known to produce carotenoids are aphids and spider mites, which acquired the ability and genes from fungi. Carotenoids from the diet are stored in the fatty tissues of animals, and exclusively carnivorous animals obtain the compounds from animal fat.
There are over 600 known carotenoids; they are split into two classes, xanthophylls (which contain oxygen) and carotenes (which are purely hydrocarbons, and contain no oxygen). All derivatives of tetraterpenes, meaning that they are produced from 8 isoprene molecules and contain 40 carbon atoms. In general, carotenoids absorb wavelengths ranging from 400-550 nanometers (violet to green light). This causes the compounds to be deeply colored yellow, orange, or red. Carotenoids are the dominant pigment in autumn leaf coloration of about 15-30% of tree species, but many plant colors, especially reds and purples, are due to other classes of chemicals.
Why I thought I had it all
and why I wanted more
Could it be just there for while,
the while I need for myself
Never dared to seal my door
Never dared to look behind
Once again I was
As fool as I can be
Anger takes my mind at will
The will I never could lead
Feel this anxious rise
Got no chance to be myself
Maybe somewhere I´ll find
the place where I can just be
Let me allow this dawn
Before we´ll follow that star
I´m making my command
on this hazy unknown ground
(The) Pain and the anger is gone
I know my life is worth of this run
I won´t again put myself to burn my
Candle at both ends
Once we will break our time
And that shine in your eyes will be my guide
Looking into the stars
made me blindly believe
in the truth of the lighting star
It may be hard to tell in advance