Carin Mannheimer
Carin Mannheimer (born Karin Birgitta Jacobson; 17 August 1934 – 11 July 2014) was a Swedish dramatist, screenwriter, author and film director, born in Osby, Sweden. She garnered acclaim with Rapport om kvinnor (Report on Women), which was published in 1969.
The situation of women, children and the elderly in society were recurring themes in her writing, including the television mini-series she wrote and directed; Lära för livet (Learning for Life; 1977), about a fictional ninth-grade class, and Solbacken: Avd. E (Solbacken: Ward E; 2003) about elderly care. Svenska hjärtan (Swedish Hearts; 1987–98) was a long-running series about nine neighbors an affluent neighborhood who belong to a new class of Swedish white-collar workers. Her daughter, Anna, is a journalist.
According to a text message sent by her daughter, Anna, to Göteborgs-Posten, Carin Mannheimer died unexpectedly on 11 July 2014 at the age of 79.
2013 – Culture award conferred by Längmanska kulturfonden