Car Nicobar (Pu in the local language) is the northernmost of the Nicobar Islands. It is also one of two local administrative divisions of the Indian district of Nicobar, part of the Indian union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
The island was ravaged by the 2004 tsunami.
Car Nicobar falls in between Little Andaman and Nancowrie. The area south to the Ten-degree channel comes under Car Nicobar headquarters. Car Nicobar is remarkably flat except for some cliffs in the north and small hilly areas in the interior. It is bordered by a silvery beach and areas of flat ground consisting of coraline diluvium. It is a flat fertile island covered with cluster of coconut palms and enchanting beaches with a roaring sea all around.
Compared to the Middle Andaman and South Andaman, Car Nicobar is a small island, having only 127 km². There are 15 villages, the largest of which is named U-rèk-ka (called "Malacca" for tourists), with a population of 4,314.
The climate of Car Nicobar Island is tropical, as it is just 9 degree from the equator, with an annual rainfall of 400 mm. The data of past ten year shows that the mean relative humidity in the Island is 79%, and the mean maximum temperature is of 30.20 C, and mean minimum temperature is 23.00 C.