A fen is one of the main types of wetland, the others being grassy marshes, forested swamps, and peaty bogs. Along with bogs, fens are a kind of mire. Fens are usually fed by mineral-rich surface water or groundwater. They are characterised by their water chemistry, which is pH neutral or alkaline, with relatively high dissolved mineral levels but few other plant nutrients. They are usually dominated by grasses and sedges, and typically have brown mosses in general including Scorpidium or Drepanocladus. Fens frequently have a high diversity of other plant species including carnivorous plants such as Pinguicula. They may also occur along large lakes and rivers where seasonal changes in water level maintain wet soils with few woody plants. The distribution of individual species of fen plants is often closely connected to water regimes and nutrient concentrations.
Car of the Carians (Greek:Κάρ), according to Herodotus, was the brother of Lydus and Mysus. He was regarded as the eponymous and ancestral hero of the Carians who would have received their name from the king. He may or may not be the same as Car of Megara
The name "Car" is unrelated to the English word "car" (vehicle).
Car of the Carians
Herodotus mentions Car, brother of Lydus and Mysus; the three brothers were believed to have been the ancestral heroes and eponyms of the Carians, the Lydians and the Mysians respectively. This Car was credited by Pliny the Elder with inventing the auspicia.
Car was also said to have founded the city Alabanda, which he named after Alabandus, his son by Callirhoe (the daughter of the river god Maeander). In turn, Alabandus's name is said to have been chosen in commemoration of his Car's victory in a horse fight— according to the scholar Stephanus of Byzantium, "Alabandos" was the Carian word for "winner in a horse fight". Another son of Car, Idrieus, had the city Idrias named after himself.
... collectibles industry, is making waves with its innovative approach to classic toy cars ... Toycars is a premium die-cast collectibles brand dedicated to crafting high-quality 1.64 scale model cars.
Discover the 10 most expensive cars in the world, from Rolls-Royce to Bugatti and other luxury brands ... The luxury car market has transformed dramatically in recent years ... Now, the most expensive cars in the world are far above the $1 million price tag.
Chairez-Salazar was ejected from the car and found in a roadside field, 50 feet away ... Salazar lost his leg in a car crash over a year ago but has overcome adversity to wrestle for the Colorado School of Mines.
“My previous two cars, a 1968Plymouth GTX convertible and a 1969Dodge CoronetR/T were both restored to factory specifications,” Miller explains ... “I naturally gravitated towards cars, and consumed Hot Rod and Car Craft magazines,” he says.
Celebrate the Easter season with an opportunity to learn a time-honored Eastern European craft ... We will NOT accept clothing, DVDs, nuts, bolts, screws, hardware, craft items, encyclopedias nor outdated items such as car sears and cribs.
5365 MaytenGroveCourt – Google Street View... The home’s exterior showcases roofing materials crafted from composition shingles ... Additionally, the home comes with a two-car garage, allowing for convenient vehicle storage and additional storage space ... .
You can also take a break and stroll through a nearby car show and vendors market. There will also be a vendor market at MapleBranchCraftBrewery (2628 Whitmore St, Fort Worth, 817-862-7007) 1pm-6pm.
ADVERTISEMENT ...Kristin Roers, R-Fargo ... Sen ... Sen ... 1/3 ... 2/3. Sen ... "The dust has settled and it's time to get in the car and drive.".North Dakota voters deserve term limit legislation that was not crafted by out-of-state groups, Kasper added, pointing to U.S ... .
That was 1985.' ... He says ... I told her The Knowledge changed my life ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Ten classic features that have vanished from new cars - how many can you remember? ... People won’t be willing to learn a craft’ ... Car insurance ... Car servicing ... Sell your car fast ... .
Despite its vaguely-generic title, this well-crafted close-quarters suspense from ... There’s a lot of careful craft at the wheel of this car ... There’s a lot of careful craft at the wheel of this car.
A general view of Islamabad city can be seen in this picture released on January 5, 2023 ... ISLAMABAD ... These include the introduction of a cable car system, a zip line, and the operationalisation of the Art and CraftVillage ... .