Captain Kitt, Irish Whiteboys captain, fl. 1820.
Kitt was a native of the parish of Ballymacward and was leader of the Whiteboys in the area. He usually convenied the meetings, which were called The Ballinafad, held at his home in Corskeaghdaly. Membership dues was ten pence a year, and Kitt was known to enforce collection.
He had a reputation as a very stern disciplinarian, but it was acknowledged that this was at a time when agitation and evictions had made the county very disturbed.
One of his most famous exploits was an attack on Hampstead House while the owner was entertaining a large group of fellow land-lords. According to Martin Finnerty:
... in the midst of their carousing the house was attacked by ribbonmen under the command of Capt. Kitt. There can be no doubt but the attackers were in possession of heavy fire arms [because] until the big house was levelled by the Land Commission, the window stool of an upper window revealed the strength to some extent of the attackers. This stone stool was made into splinters in the midde and it was evident that nothing less than light cannon was in use. The occupants of the house returned the fire and the attackers were forced to retreat and some accounts reveal with the loss of one man.
My name is Captain Kidd
As I sailed, as I sailed,
Oh my name is Captain Kidd as I sailed,
My name is Captain Kidd
And God's laws I did forbid,
And most wickedly I did as I sailed.
My father taught me well
To shun the gates of hell,
But against him I rebelled as I sailed,
He shoved a bible in my hand
But I left it in the sand
And I pulled away from land,
As I sailed
I murdered William Moore
And I left him in his gore
Twenty leagues away from shore
As I sailed,
And being crueler still, the gunner I did kill
All his precious blood did spill,
As I sailed,
I was sick and nigh to death,
And I vowed at every breath,
Oh to walk in wisdom's path,
As I sailed
But my repentance lasted not,
My vows I soon forgot,
Oh damnation is my lot,
As I sailed.
To the execution dock
Lay my head upon the block,
Laws no more I'll mock as I sail,
So take warning here and heed
To shun bad company
Or you'll wind up just like me