Security police for government facilities are actually a very old idea, dating back at least to the guards posted at Solomon's temple and including such units as the Praetorian Guard and the Coldstream Guards.
BEN SZALINSKI CapitolNewsIllinois... “It shouldn’t take six years for them to stand up and put some real policy in place that prevents police from harming black and brown communities,” Young said at a Capitol news conference Tuesday.
According to Denver police, since Feb. 1, CapitolHill was hit 25 times by people breaking into vehicles. This makes the Capitol Hill neighborhood the fourth highest in Denver underneath Five Points at ...
To need a police escort to get in and out of my office in the Capitol, I think, is a bit much,” CostaHoward said ... The measure cleared a House education committee on Wednesday as thousands of home school advocates flooded the Capitol.
D.C. prosecutors declined to charge former ProudBoys leader Enrique Tarrio after police said he assaulted a woman protesting the far-right group outside the U.S.Capitol last month, sources say ... .
Capitol cafeteria french fries because France didn't support America's invasion of Iraq? That was unserious to the point of stupidity ... Capitol on Jan.
Editor’s note. This column ran as a pro-con with another column that supported the possibility of Gov ...The U.S ... The U.S ... Opinion ... 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol including those who assaulted Capitol police and damaged the historic building ... Krista L.
New leadership has ordered a freeze on much of the work in the civil rights and environmental divisions, leaving the future of voting rights, pollution and police-accountability cases in question.
DFLers and fellow MinnesotaGOP members alike issued spot-on statements of condemnation and outrage immediately following the announcement of the arrest by the Bloomington, Minnesota, PoliceDepartment.
6 insurrection that forced lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to flee for their lives, Donald Trump still faces what could be costly civil lawsuits filed by Capitol police and some of those same lawmakers ... ALSO READ.'Not much I can do' ... .
She said when she calls JacksonPoliceDepartment, an employee has told them she is in the jurisdiction of Capitol Police, and when she’s called Capitol Police, they’ve told her they don’t deal in city ordinance enforcement.