Cape warthog

The Cape warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus aethiopicus) is an extinct species in the pig family, a subspecies of the desert warthog. It was originally native to South Africa and became extinct around 1871.

The Cape warthog is quite distinguishable from other hogs, yet it has similar properties to that of a desert warthog. Some common differences between the Cape warthog and the extant warthog, P. africanus, include:

  • The skull is smaller, but broader
  • The frontal area of the zygomatic arch is thickened by internal sinuses and is swollen into a round hollow knob in front of the jugal-squamosal suture (in P. africanus, the zygomatic arch may be robust, but it is not thickened, and there is no knob).
  • There are never incisors in P. aethiopicus, yet a regular warthog has two incisors in the upper jaw and six in the lower.
  • In the Cape warthog, the large third molars are different from those of P. africanus because no roots would be formed by the time all the enamel columns have gone into wear.
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    Latest News for: cape warthog

    Chattanooga Zoo (and Everett) Welcomes New Warthogs

    Walker & Catoosa County News 03 Mar 2025
    Two female warthogs took a road trip from Florida last month to their new home at Chattanooga Zoo. Big Girl and Peanut, mother and daughter, have joined Everett the male warthog on exhibit in the zoo’s new Cape of Africa section ... ....
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