In Greek mythology, Capaneus (Greek: Καπανεύς) was a son of Hipponous and either Astynome (daughter of Talaus) or Laodice (daughter of Iphis), and husband of Evadne, with whom he fathered Sthenelus. Some call his wife Ianeira.
According to the legend, Capaneus had immense strength and body size and was an outstanding warrior. He was also notorious for his arrogance. He stood just at the wall of Thebes at the siege of Thebes and shouted that Zeus himself could not stop him from invading it. In Aeschylus, he bears a shield with a man without armour withstanding fire, a torch in hand, which reads 'I will burn the city,' in token of this. While he was mounting the ladder, Zeus struck and killed Capaneus with a thunderbolt, and Evadne threw herself on her husband's funeral pyre and died. His story was told by Aeschylus in his Seven against Thebes, by Euripides, and by the Roman poet Statius.
so you think i'm a zero?
i ain't trying to be no one's hero
i don't give two shits about what you think
i live my life one day at a time
live yours how you want that's fine
just leave me alone and i'll just drink away mine
sit at home and sleep all day
wake up and drink my life away
do what i do when i wanna do it
and live my life until i choose
yeah so i've had a few
i'll have more before i'm through
and i don't care about anyone or anything
all i want is a beer in my hand
don't care about the name on the can
just crack it open and drink it down like a champ
grab the whiskey, pour it in a cup
grab the coke then drink on up
do what we do when we wanna do it
and live our lives to how we choose
still think i'm a zero?
i ain't trying to be no one's hero
i don't give two shits about what you think
i live my life one day at a time
live yours how you want that's fine
just leave me alone and i'll just drink away mine
goes down smooth when you're good and drunk
tastes even better when it comes back up
do what we do when we wanna do it