The canuts were Lyonnais silk workers, often working on Jacquard looms. They were primarily found in the Croix-Rousse neighbourhood of Lyon in the 19th century. Although the term generally refers to Lyonnais silk workers, silk workers in the commune of l'Arbresle are also called canuts.
The canuts were subject to extremely poor working conditions. On account of these conditions, they staged many worker uprisings, known as the Canut revolts. The first revolt, in October 1831 is considered to be one of the very first worker uprisings. The canuts occupied Lyon, shouting "Vivre libre en travaillant ou mourir en combattant!" (Live free working or die fighting!) King Louis-Philippe sent 20,000 soldiers and 150 cannons to suppress the "riot". On February 14, 1834, the canuts revolted a second time, occupying the heights of Lyon. The revolt lasted 6 days before being suppressed by 12,000 soldiers. According to historian Gérard Cholvy, the revolts had a profound effect on the French scholar Frédéric Ozanam.
Canut (Eastern Catalan: [kəˈnut], Western Catalan: [kaˈnut]) is a surname of Catalan origin. It is of religious lineage. Canut is one of the oldest surnames of Catalonia. The name was taken to pay tribute to King Canute IV of Denmark, a devout Catholic king. It can likewise be found around the immediate areas surrounding Catalonia.
Apellidos catalanes: heráldica de Catalunya by: Cuartas, Augusto
Published: Madrid : Paraninfo, 1987.
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