Camps may refer to:
In Argentina:
In France:
Civil Aircraft Missile Protection System or CAMPS is an infrared countermeasure against infrared-homed anti-aircraft missiles, specifically designed to defend civilian aircraft flying under 15,000 feet (4,600 m) against MANPADS.
The system was developed by Saab Avitronics, Chemring Countermeasures and Naturelink Aviation.
The decoys use a pyrophoric substance that burns at a relatively low temperature, thereby avoiding any fire safety concerns associated with conventional pyrotechnic military flares, such as those used by a similar Israeli system. The onboard processor uses neural network pattern recognition algorithms to classify potential threats detected by its infrared sensors. The system was successfully demonstrated at the Overberg Test Range in March 2007.
Demasiado uniforme vestí
demasiados prejuicios
demasiada bandera y discursos
cuánto tiempo perdido.
Nada es inalterable
nada es definitivo,
ya ves solo el cambio
es lo único que permanece en el tiempo,
Tanta postura y preocupación
tantas ideologías,
compromisos, palabras y luchas
todo menos sonrisas
Nada es inalterable
nada es definitivo
ya ves solo el cambio
es lo único que permanece en el tiempo,
Mil cosas que dije ayer
hoy me hace reír
y mañana me burlaré
de lo que hoy pude decir
entonces, por qué insistir.