The Campaspe River, an inland intermittent river of the north–central catchment, part of the Murray-Darling basin, is located in the lower Riverina bioregion and Central Highlands and Wimmera regions of the Australian state of Victoria. The headwaters of the Campaspe River rise on the northern slopes of the Great Dividing Range and descend to flow north into the Murray River, Australia's longest river, near Echuca.
From its source in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range below Red Hill, the Campaspe River rises in the Wombat State Forest northwest of Bullengarook and southwest of Macedon near Ashbourne and Firth Park, a local camping ground and historical area. The river then flows west of the township of Woodend and continues north through the town of Kyneton. The middle reaches of the river are dominated by Lake Eppalock, a constructed reservoir. The Coliban River, the most significant tributary of the Campaspe, also flows into Lake Eppalock. Towns located on the river in this area include Redesdale located just north of Eppalock and Axedale, located just below Eppalock. The towns of Elmore and Rochester lie on the river's lower reaches. The river meets its confluence with the Murray River west of the town of Echuca, located adjacent to the state border between Victoria and New South Wales.
The Campaspe River is a 376-kilometre (234 mi) long tributary of Cape River in Queensland, Australia near Charters Towers. It rises at Homestead and flows southeasterly through Pentland to Campaspe where it joins the Cape River.
Tributaries includes Homestead Creek, Balfe Creek and Policeman Creek. There are no major settlements along its course. The river is crossed by the Flinders Highway. Its catchment area remains undeveloped.
Campaspe (/kæmˈpæspiː/; Greek Καμπάσπη), or Pancaste /pæŋˈkæstiː/, was a mistress of Alexander the Great and a prominent citizen of Larissa. She was painted by Apelles, who had the reputation in Antiquity for being the greatest of painters. The episode occasioned an apocryphal exchange that was reported in Pliny's Natural History: "Seeing the beauty of the nude portrait, Alexander saw that the artist appreciated Campaspe (and loved her) more than he. And so Alexander kept the portrait, but presented Campaspe to Apelles." The biographer Robin Lane Fox describes this bequest as "the most generous gift of any patron and one which would remain a model for patronage and painters on through the Renaissance."
Apelles also used Campaspe as a model for his most celebrated painting of Aphrodite "rising out of the sea", the iconic Venus Anadyomene, "wringing her hair, and the falling drops of water formed a transparent silver veil around her form".
No Campaspe appears in the five major sources for the life of Alexander. Fox traces her legend back to the Roman authors Pliny (Natural History), Lucian of Samosata and Aelian's Varia Historia. They would have it that Campaspe was a prominent citizen of Larissa in Thessaly; Aelian surmised that she initiated the young Alexander in love.
Campaspe is an Elizabethan era stage play, a comedy by John Lyly. Widely considered Lyly's earliest drama, Campaspe was an influence and a precedent for much that followed in English Renaissance drama.
Campaspe is known to have been performed at Court before Queen Elizabeth I, most likely on 1 January, 1584 (new style); it was also acted at the first Blackfriars Theatre. The company that performed the play is open to question: extant records assign the Court performance to "Oxford's boys," and the Blackfriars production to the Children of Paul's, Lyly's regular company, and the Children of the Chapel. One resolution for the conflicting assignments is the theory that the play was acted by a combination of personnel from the Paul's and Chapel companies as well as from the troupe of boy actors maintained in the 1580s by the Earl of Oxford.
Campaspe was first published in a 1584 quarto printed by Thomas Dawson for the bookseller Thomas Cadman. Q1 exists in three different "states" or impressions, with slight differences among them. The first, Q1a, titles the play A moste excellent Comedie of Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes.In the subsequent impressions, Q1b and Q1c, the play's title is shortened to Campaspe. The running title of all three impressions (printed along the tops of the text's pages) is A tragical Comedie [sic] of Alexander and Campaspe. (Editors and scholars of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries generally referred to the play as Alexander and Campaspe; their twentieth-century counterparts tend to prefer the shorter title.)