A Calung can either refer to a bamboo xylophone instrument or an ensemble. The Calung (instrument) consists of multiple bamboo tubes which are struck at the base to produce a woody sound. In Balinese culture, the Calung is actually a metallophonic instrument that has a one-octave range, and is generally utilized to play mid-range melodies. In Banyumas, southwestern Central Java in Indonesia, when Calung is referred to as an ensemble, it uses multiple bamboo instruments and is composed of singers and dancers. The ensemble is characterized by a variety of traits that include: interlocking melodies and rhythm, abrupt changes in tempo, as well as syncopated rhythm and humorous vocals. Calung (the ensemble) is present at many celebratory gatherings, and its dancers are sometimes related to prostitution.
The Calung works by cutting away multiple pieces of bamboo tubes to create a pitch when struck. To make the Calung in the Sundanese tradition, a set of bamboo tubes are strung together through holes cut into the tubes. You are then able to play the Calung either suspended; you play the tubes while they are in hanging in front of you, or you can put them across a bamboo frame and play it like a xylophone.
Come and wind your belly
Come and wind it for me
Oh my Mother Anna knew
Oh my Mother Anna knew
If all the piggies don't don't whine
Then you keep it here with mine
Doko won the magic prize
Taken from Mother, a song song for Ella
Taken from Mother, a song song aglow
Cheeky boy sits on the side side forever
Cheeky boy who snuffles in the snow
Come and whip up for one, whip up for two
Oh our Mother Anna knew
Oh my Mother Anna knew
If all the doggies don't don't pine
Then you keep it here with mine
Doko won the magic prize
Taken from Mother, a song song for Ella
Taken from Mother, a song song aglow
Cheeky boy sits on the side side forever
All the guns, guns were never once Arthur's no
Come and veto the rose, veto for me
Oh my Mother Anna knew
If all the doggie don't don't pine
Then you keep them undermined
Keep them undermined
Doko won the magic prize