Defamation—also calumny, vilification, and traducement—is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.
Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed. Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.
False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false but misleading.
In some civil law jurisdictions, defamation is treated as a crime rather than a civil wrong. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights ruled in 2012 that the criminalization of libel violates freedom of expression and is inconsistent with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
A person who defames another may be called a "defamer", "famacide", "libeler" or "slanderer".
(Testo e musica Claudio A.)
Non so dove sto andando, perch? il vento stia suonando questa nera melodia. Non so pi? tu chi sei falso e vero amico mio o se un giorno te ne andrai.
Voci strane dentro me viaggiano senza un senso che dia loro una vita. Sono tutto e niente sono caricato come un tuono che in un attimo la luce porter?.