Calluna vulgaris (known as common heather, ling, or simply heather) is the sole species in the genus Calluna in the family Ericaceae. It is a low-growing perennial shrub growing to 20 to 50 centimetres (7.9 to 19.7 in) tall, or rarely to 1 metre (39 in) and taller, and is found widely in Europe and Asia Minor on acidic soils in open sunny situations and in moderate shade. It is the dominant plant in most heathland and moorland in Europe, and in some bog vegetation and acidic pine and oak woodland. It is tolerant of grazing and regenerates following occasional burning, and is often managed in nature reserves and grouse moors by sheep or cattle grazing, and also by light burning.
Referred to as Erica in all the old references, Calluna was separated from the closely related genus Erica by Richard Anthony Salisbury, who devised the generic name Calluna probably from the Greek Kallyno (καλλύνω), "beautify, sweep clean", in reference to its traditional use in besoms. The specific epithet vulgaris is Latin for 'common'. Calluna is differentiated from Erica by its corolla and calyx each being in four parts instead of five.
Ravale tout, mets ? jour,
Fait s'?clairer les beaux jours x3.
Ris un peu, fais semblant,
Mais montre-nous c'est ind?cent x3.
Refrain :
Fais se frotter tous ces Hommes ? tes hanches,
Joue de tes seins de tes cris, ta revanche.
Cambre un peu, griffe au cou,
Fais se plier ces beaux jours x3.
Gifle un peu, sois jalouse,
Fais se planter tes ongles rouges x3.
Recommence, file tes pas,
Fais moi rougir, n'arr?te pas x3.
Griffe un peu, jusqu'au sang,
Fais se plier tes amants x3.