Australian ghostshark
The Australian ghostshark, Callorhinchus milii, is a cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) belonging to the subclass Holocephali (chimaera). Sharks, rays and skates are the other members of the cartilaginous fish group and are grouped under the subclass Elasmobranchii. Alternative names include elephant shark, makorepe (in Māori), whitefish, plownose chimaera, or elephant fish. It is found off southern Australia, including Tasmania, and south of East Cape and Kaipara Harbour in New Zealand, at depths of 0 – 200 m.
Morphology and biology
The fish is silvery in colour with iridescent reflections and dark, variable markings on the sides.
Males mature at 50 cm and females at 70 cm, and the maximum length head to tail is 1.5 m It has an elongated body and two widely separated, triangular dorsal fins. They use their hoe-shaped snouts to probe the ocean bottom for invertebrates and small fishes.
From spring to autumn, adults migrate inshore to estuaries and bays and females lay their eggs on sandy or muddy substrates. The eggs are contained in large yellowish capsules. The egg partially opens enabling seawater to flow in to the egg capsules after a few months and juveniles emerge from the capsule after six to eight months as about 12 cm in length. Maximum age is estimated to be 15 years.