Roosmalens' dwarf marmoset (Callibella humilis or Callithrix (Calibella) humilis), also known as the black-crowned dwarf marmoset, is a small New World monkey native to the Amazon Rainforest, on the east bank of the lower Madeira River, and the west bank of the Aripuanã River, in Brazil. It has the smallest distribution of any primate in Amazonia. This marmoset has several unique attributes, which has resulted in it being placed in the monotypic genus Callibella.
It was first described in 1998, after it was discovered ca. 400 km (250 mi) south of the city of Manaus. In 1996, Marc van Roosmalen, the discoverer, was given a milk can by a river trader with one of these monkeys inside. He suspected it was a new species, a relative of the pygmy marmoset, but at that point was unaware of its exact origin. Following a lengthy expedition, it was discovered near the town of Nova Olinda in south-eastern Amazonas.
Adult Roosmalens' dwarf marmosets have a total length of 38–39 cm (15-15½ in), incl. a tail of 22–24 cm (8½-9½ in), and weigh 150-185 g (5½-6½ oz). It is the second smallest species of monkey, with only the related pygmy marmoset being smaller. The upperparts of Roosmalens' dwarf marmoset are mainly dark olive-brown, while the underparts are pale, dull yellowish. The bare, pale pinkish face is bordered by a whitish ring of hair. The crown is blackish, as suggested by its alternative common name; black-crowned dwarf marmoset. It has claws as opposed to nails, like other marmosets who feed off tree sap. It also has teeth similar to other marmosets.
Mesec nocas zove zemlju
mozda je i dobije
samo mene nece niko
presekla sam linije
Mislio si da sam jaka
da cu da izdrzim sve
a ja isto ko i svaka
pucam gde je najtanje
Ubijena celo vece sedim ja
ubijena od tih hladnih pogleda
ubijena dok ti letis oko nje
ubijena, culo bola zivo je
Nocas traze Atlantidu
ako je i pronadju
naci ce i mene tamo
'mesto u tvom narucju
Priznao si, na svoj nacin
lose si me tesio
popila sam koju vise
bas si me se resio
Jer ko tesi taj i gresi
a ti si pogresio
odlazim, ne mogu vise
bas si me se resio