Calico (in British usage, 1505,AmE "muslin") is a plain-woven textile made from unbleached and often not fully processed cotton. It may contain unseparated husk parts, for example. The fabric is less coarse and thick than canvas or denim, but it is still very cheap owing to its unfinished and undyed appearance.
The fabric was originally from the city of Kozhikode (known by the English as Calicut) in southwestern India. It was made by the traditional weavers called cāliyans. The raw fabric was dyed and printed in bright hues, and calico prints became popular in Europe.
Calico originated in Kozhikode (also known as Calicut, from which the name of the textile came) in southwestern India during the 11th century. The cloth was known as "cāliyan" to the natives.
It was mentioned in Indian literature by the 12th century when the writer Hēmacandra described calico fabric prints with a lotus design. By the 15th century calico from Gujǎrāt made its appearance in Egypt. Trade with Europe followed from the 17th century onwards.
Calico is a plain-woven cotton textile. It may also refer to:
Calico or nacreous goldfish are goldfish of any breed that have a type of scale that is intermediate between the metallic type of scales and the transparent type. These scales have a slight sheen that produces a pearly appearance. The name "calico goldfish" came about because the first fish that were introduced with this type of scales had a mottled calico pattern with several colours.
Calico goldfish often have patches of red, yellow, grey and black along with dark speckles on a blue background. This coloration usually extends over the fins.
Although calico coloration occurs in many fancy goldfish varieties such as telescope eyes, fantails, ryukins, orandas, and ranchus, the nacreous scale characteristic is usually exclusive to the shubunkins which are single-tailed fish that are similar to the common goldfish and could grow up to 12 inches in length.
[The ";Calico"; bits are Sarah and the rest is Q-Tee.]
Dreamin' / that you are in my world, /
wishin' / like a little girl. /
Watchin', / closely, / you suddenly appear. /
Like a dream, / you're gone, then you're here. /
You take to emotion / like a bird to flight. /
You drop an invitation, / maybe I just might /
be your lover / or better / a friendly / aquaintance. /
Truly as I duly pay my love to you like maintenance. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
You're realistic, / your face conceal. /
Accentuate the passion. / I will reveal. /
You're like an angel that delights with the day. /
I'm pleadin' / don't ever go away, /
story's reaching peak / the outlook is bleak. /
Please talk, say that you'll speak. / You're strong and I am weak. /
I need / the fortune at the end of the rainbow. /
I see you like a lantern - / you have a certain glow. / Calico. /
Your smile is warm soft, / forever / appealing. /
Whenever you are present like a letter I am sealing. /
My love / like a dove / that blesses from above. /
The shower in an hour / won't you let me be your towel? / Calico. /
Affection / affects you like a weapon. /
You're extreme and supreme / and nothing that you seem. /
A fateful chance / with a twist of hope. /
I'll be with you all the way / down the magical slope.
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Babe, don't be afraid, / I'm wit' you everywhere. /
Gliding through enchanted waters / to you I swear. /
Expression is the key, / it's good enough for me. /
Cali can't you see, / forever yours? /
There's a feeling / of warmth, / a serious / sensation. /
It's true, / you have that / good vibration.
Your charm is overwhelming, you have reaches that I seldom see, /
Calico just let me be the one! /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico, / Calico, / Calico, / Calico. /
Calico. / I see / that we were meant to be. /
Goin' in ???
[outro samples:]
I never take of my hat except when I'm out of doors!
She made a prize from Jenkins' ear, / and washed it down with a bottle of beer.