Calaverite, or gold telluride, is an uncommon telluride of gold, a metallic mineral with the chemical formula AuTe2, with approximately 3% of the gold replaced by silver. It was first discovered in Calaveras County, California in 1861, and was named for the county in 1868.
The mineral often has a metallic luster, and its color may range from a silvery white to a brassy yellow. It is closely related to the gold-silver telluride mineral sylvanite, which, however, contains significantly more silver. Another AuTe2 mineral (but with a quite different crystal structure) is krennerite. Calaverite and sylvanite represent the major telluride ores of gold, although such ores are minor sources of gold in general. As a major gold mineral found in Western Australia, calaverite played a major role in the 1890s gold rushes in that area.
Calaverite occurs as monoclinic crystals, which do not possess cleavage planes. It has a specific gravity of 9.35 and a hardness of 2.5.
Calaverada (Escapade)
Amor vivir, amor llorar
un dia suelta de felicidad
si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle
Amor vivir, amor llorar
un dia suelta de felicidad
si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle
Yo quisiera hoy saber
eres todos como amigos
Yo quisiera hoy saber
el motivo que tu tienes
Amor vivir, amor llorar
un dia suelta de felicidad
si yo no te encuentro yo solo pol la calle
****************translated text**************
Love to live, love to cry
a day without happiness
If I don't find you alone in the street
Love to live, love to cry
a day without happiness
If I don't find you alone in the street
I would like to know today
If you are all as friends
I would like to know today
The motive that you have
Love to live, love to cry
a day without happiness
If I don't find you alone in the street