Calatia was an ancient town of Campania, southern Italy, c. 10 km southeast of Capua, on the Via Appia, near the point where the Via Popillia branches off from it. It is represented by the church of Giacomo alle Galazze. The Via Appia here, as at Capua, abandons its former SE direction for a length of 2,000 Oscan feet (500 m), for which it runs due east and then resumes its course SE. Ruins include remains of the walls (with sector from the Samnite age, in tuff, and others from the Sulla period) and the pre-Roman necropolis was partially excavated in 1882. The ten shafts lined with slabs of tuff which may have been the approaches to tombs or may have served as wells.
The history of Calatia is similar to that of its more powerful neighbor Capua, but as it lay near the point where the Via Appia turns east and enters the mountains, it had some strategic importance. In 313 BC it was taken by the Samnites and recaptured by the dictator Fabius Maximus Rullianus; the Samnites captured it again in 311 BC, but it must have been retaken at an unknown date. In the 3rd century BC we find it issuing coins with an Oscan legend, but in 211 BC it shared the fate of Capua. In 174 BC it is mentioned that its walls were being repaired by the censors. In 59 BC a colony was established here by Caesar.
Comics adaptations of The Legend of Zelda series of video games, especially in Japan, have been published under license from Nintendo.
The Legend of Zelda is a series of comics published by Valiant Comics based on The Legend of Zelda series of video games. They expanded greatly on the land of Hyrule. The comics fit sometime during or after the second game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Some of the characters from the comic appear to have been modeled after those from the TV series. Link is given reddish hair and a large nose. The comics were released on a monthly basis starting in February 1990, and continuing until August of that same year. In 1993, there were two volumes released with five issues in each.
Mistress of ices
Stygian Skater
Scribing devices
Dancing on sabres
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences
American sleep
Dream scarabaeus
In chorus refraining
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences
American sleep
One, two, fisherman's stew
Boiled on timber and stirred with a broom
Three, four, pour it on the floor
Feed all the beasties, cook up some more
Five, six, mortar and brick
Weaker than iron but stronger than sticks
Seven and eight, lock up the gate
Nothing to do but to sit and to wait
Nine, ten
Do it again
Bun in the oven
A wolf in the den
Companion chimera
Lethean grazer
Pausing to herald
Mistress of sabers
So very relentless
Counting the sheep
Electrical fences