In Roman mythology, Caieta was the wet-nurse of Aeneas. The Roman poet Vergil locates her grave on bay at Gaeta, to which she also gives her name (cf. Caietae Portus). The poet Ovid, working a generation later, provides an epitaph:
"Here me, Caieta, snatched from Grecian flames, my pious son consumed with fitting fire." The fourth-century commentator Servius writes that there was some controversy about whose wet-nurse Caieta was: in addition to Aeneas, he offers Creusa and Ascanius as possibilities.
Watching me fall
Into the flames
Of a broken soul tonight
No stone overturned
This graveyard of mine
Allows me no peace
Sleep as day dies
Sleepwalk with the dead
Wander aimlessly through the night
Love and regret
Course through my veins
As I slowly fade away
Please let me sleep
Just one last night
Before I must wake
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts...
Sleep as night falls
Sleepwalk with the dead
Hope keeps me alive