C Sharp 3.0
The programming language C# version 3.0 was released on 19 November 2007 as part of .NET Framework 3.5. It includes new features inspired by functional programming languages such as Haskell and ML, and is driven largely by the introduction of the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) pattern to the Common Language Runtime. It is not currently standardized by any standards organisation.
C# 3.0 features
LINQ (language-integrated query)
LINQ is a new Microsoft-specific extensible, general-purpose query language for many kinds of data sources—including plain object collections, XML documents, databases, etc.—which is tightly integrated with other C# language facilities. The syntax is different from, but borrows from SQL. An example:
To implement LINQ, a large range of new methods were added to many collections via the System.Linq.Enumerable
class. LINQ expressions are translated to use these functions before compilation. As an alternative, which is sometimes more powerful or direct, these functions may be accessed directly. Doing so makes more use of lambda functions, which are discussed below. The following is functionally identical to the example above.