CTM is an initialism that may stand for:


  • Cell Transmission Model is used to model macroscopic traffic behavior
  • Chemistry and Transport Models, software to calculate the fate of air pollutants in the atmosphere
  • Clinical Trial Materials are medicines that are manufactured for the sole purpose of being used as research data for clinical trials, or studies
  • Close to Metal, a low-level programming interface
  • Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, a computer programming textbook
  • Corner transfer matrix in statistical mechanics
  • Corporate Travel Management, a generic term for corporate travel agencies (not a specific brand name)
  • Critical thermal maximum, in biology, above which an organism cannot survive
  • Current Transformation Matrix, the transformation matrix currently applying in a graphics pipeline
  • Comodo Time Machine, a program by Comodo Group that restores your system to an earlier point-in-time
  • Certified Technology Manager, an accreditation by ATMAE - Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering.
  • CTM (Macau)

    Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau S.A.R.L (CTM; Chinese: 澳門電訊有限公司) is a telecommunications company in Macau, which obtained a monopoly franchise license from the government except for mobile telephone services.


    In October 1981, an agreement was reached between the then Macau government and Cable and Wireless plc (telecom operator in the UK) to set up the new company Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau S.A.R.L.. Shareholders included Portuguese Marconi Company (later acquired by Portugal Telecom group), CITIC Pacific (which shareholding was transferred to CITIC Telecom International in 2010) and the Macao Post.

    Organizational structure

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Vice President, Finance
  • Vice President, Legal and Regulatory
  • Vice President, Strategy and Business Performance
  • Vice President, Network Services
  • Vice President, Commercial
  • Vice President, Human Resources and Administration
  • Secretary to Executive Committee
  • See also

  • Telecommunications in Macau
  • References

  • CTM. "About CTM". Retrieved 2013-11-30.
  • St. Michael's Hospital (Toronto)

    St. Michael's Hospital is a teaching hospital and medical centre in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was established by the Sisters of St. Joseph in 1892, with the founding goal of taking care of the sick and poor of Toronto's inner city. The hospital provides tertiary and quaternary services in cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, inner city health and therapeutic endoscopy. It is one of two Level 1 adult trauma centres in Greater Toronto, along with the larger Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. It is one of the teaching hospitals of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.


    The hospital is located near the intersection of Queen Street and Yonge Street in downtown Toronto's Garden District. The hospital serves a diverse population that includes the affluent condominium complexes in Harbourfront, the underprivileged of the inner city of Regent Park, and the gay and lesbian community in Church and Wellesley. The hospital has 463 inpatient beds and extensive outpatient clinics.



    But Strong Together

    by: Quidam

    I'm so excited
    we'll surely make it to the top
    with music that we make
    I'm so delighted
    can't wait to read you're loving it
    that's how it's got to be
    then a slap in the face
    you took it apart
    I think I might break down and cry
    I feel so defeated
    in your eyes
    I see my demise
    the anchor you cast
    and now I'm going down
    dig a grave for me please
    they're preying on me
    don't ask me to approve of that
    don't think I will consent
    they want to destroy me
    go ahead and try
    do your best
    you're always right
    again a slap in the face
    you took it apart
    I think I might break down and cry
    I feel so defeated
    in your eyes
    I see my demise
    the anchor you cast
    and now I'm going down
    dig a grave for me please
    the only thing I want to say
    is that we're strong together
    and I don't care what you claim
    it must be whiteout in your brain
    and you can't see clearly
