CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (also referred to as CSI) is an American police procedural drama television series that premiered on CBS October 6, 2000. The series, starring William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, Laurence Fishburne, Ted Danson, and Elisabeth Shue, is the first in the CSI franchise. The series concluded on September 27, 2015, with a two-hour TV movie entitled Immortality.
Mixing deduction, gritty subject matter, and character-driven drama, CSI follows Las Vegas criminalists (identified as "Crime Scene Investigators") working for the Las Vegas Police Department (LVPD) (instead of real-life "Crime Scene Analysts" and "Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department" (LVMPD)) as they use physical evidence to solve murders. The team is originally led by Gil Grissom, CSI supervisor for the grave shift and a forensic entomologist, and his second-in-command, Catherine Willows, a single mother with a cop's instinct. Born and raised in Vegas, Catherine was a stripper before being recruited into law enforcement. Replacing Grissom is D.B. Russell, who has come to the team after heading the Seattle Crime Lab. His number two is Julie Finlay, a CSI III and a blood pattern expert who previously worked with Russell in Seattle. She replaces Willows. Like Catherine, she is a blood-spatter expert with extensive knowledge of criminal psychology. With their team, they are on the case 24/7, scouring the scene, collecting the evidence, and finding the missing pieces that will solve the mystery.
The CSI 300 is a capitalization-weighted stock market index designed to replicate the performance of 300 stocks traded in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.
The index is compiled by the China Securities Index Company, Ltd..
It has been calculated since April 8, 2005. Its value is normalized relative to a base of 1000 on December 31, 2004.
For the index admission must meet certain requirements. These include
12 Aquarii (abbreviated 12 Aqr) is a double star in the constellation Aquarius. 12 Aquarii is the Flamsteed designation. It is a yellow sub-giant that is slightly larger and heavier than the Sun with an apparent magnitude of 5.53 and absolute magnitude 7.4, making it less bright than the Sun comparatively.
il valium mi rilassa
il serenase mi stende
il tavor mi riprende
c'è chi mi da energia
e chi la porta via
e voi cosa volete?
di che cosa vi fate?
dov'è la vostra pena?
qual è il vostro problema?
perchè vi batte il cuore?
per chi vi batte il cuore?
meglio un medicinale
o una storia infernale?
meglio giornate inerti
o dei capelli verdi?
epuur tutto va bene
va proprio tutto bene
manca un po' d'appetito e
il valium per dormire l'ho finito
"quando ci penso vorrei tornare
dalla mia bella al casolare
Emilia mia Emilia in fiore
tu sei la stella tu sei l'amore"
e voi cosa volete?
diche cosa vi fate?
dov'è la vostra pena?
qual è il vostro problema?
perchè vi batte il cuore?