CRRC Corporation Limited (China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation) is a Chinese state owned rolling stock manufacturer, formed on 1 June 2015 with the merger of China CNR Corporation and CSR Corporation Limited.
At inception it had 175,700 employees, and is the largest rolling stock manufacturer in the world.
China CNR Corporation and CSR Corporation Limited, once one company, were separated in 2000.
In late 2014 CNR and CSR agreed to merge, subject to approval by the Chinese state - under the agreement CSR would formally acquire CNR, and the combined business then be renamed China Railway Rolling Stock Corp (CRRC). Rationals given for the merger were increased efficiency, and the ability to better compete internationally with combined resources.
The merger came into effect 1 June 2015, with each CNR share exchanged for 1.1 CSR shares - the combined company became the the largest railway rolling stock manufacturer in the world, and had over 90% of the China market. Total employement of the combine was 175,700 persons, and the share capital was valued at 27,289 million Yuan.
I knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
(You don't think you can)
They don't sell the product to you
They sell you to the product
They don't give a fuck about you
They just want their deadly dosh
I wish you could see through this
I wish you could believe
That you can really do this
I know you can
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
But you don't think you can
You don't think you can
They don't want to know about
Your aspirations
They don't care about where they are
Sending you to
They dont't mind they don't mind
To blacken your stream
They are pulling you along
So when will you see
That i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
Cuz i knew you
Before you entered through the deadly door
It's eaten away at you
It's given you the edge
You're dreaming of returning
(dreaming of returning
you are dreaming of returning to that
to that same world