CNDO is the abbreviation for Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap, one of the first semi empirical methods in quantum chemistry. It uses two approximations:

  • core approximation - only the outer valence electrons are explicitly included.
  • zero-differential overlap
  • CNDO/2 is the main version of CNDO. The method was first introduced by John Pople and coworkers.


    An earlier method was Extended Hückel method, which explicitly ignores electron-electron repulsion terms. It was a method for calculating the electronic energy and the molecular orbitals. CNDO/1 and CNDO/2 were developed from this method by explicitly including the electron-electron repulsion terms, but neglecting many of them, approximating some of them and fitting others to experimental data from spectroscopy.


    Quantum mechanics provides equations based on the Hartree–Fock method and the Roothaan equations that CNDO uses to model atoms and their locations. These equations are solved iteratively to the point where the results do not vary significantly between two iterations. It is noteworthy that CNDO does not involve knowledge about chemical bonds but instead uses knowledge about quantum wavefunctions.




    by: Kent

    Så nära ligger sömnen
    under alla täcken sval
    svept och gömd i filtar
    plast, nylon, cellofan
    Min mun vid termometern
    fuskar Mig febersvag
    & det känns som om
    Jag glömt någonting kvar?
    Jag tappar mina kläder
    Jag tappar värmen
    grad för grad
    Nu skakar Mina händer
    värre varje dag
    som cesium & syre
    brinner Jag alldeles klart
    & det känns som om
    Jag glömt någonting kvar?
    Hon är vaken
    Jag vet att hon är vaken
    Jag är vaken
    Hon vet att Jag är vaken
    Vi är vakna
    Visst syns det att Vi
    vaknat nyss
    och väntar?
    Så nära känner lukten
    nu kan Jag slappna av
    & utanför på trappan
    får frosten Dig att tappa tag
    Det har hunnit bli oktober
    nu fryser gräset & går av
    & Jag hatar allt
    som böjs & går av
    Tänk om Jag har fel
