CIÉ 8100 Class
The CIÉ 8100 class were the first electrical multiple units used on the Dublin Area Rapid Transit (DART) system. Built by GEC and LHB (Linke-Hofmann-Busch) in 1983, they are two-car units, and were the only units used on the DART before the arrival of the 8200 Class. 40 two car sets were delivered, numbered 8101/8301 to 8140/8340. 81XX units are power cars while 83XX units are unpowered driving trailers. The driving cabs are full width, with the inner ends connected by gangways. Power cars always head North, while driving trailers head South.
The original seating layout consisted of 72 seats per coach with 16 tip up seats at the doors, giving 176 seats in total. With increasing passenger numbers and the heavy spring in the tip up seats becoming a possible source of injury, the tip seats were removed in the late 1980s. As a result of ever continuing passenger demand in the late 1990s extra standing room was provided through the removal of 16 seats from the 83XX unpowered driving trailers, reducing seating capacity to 56 giving a 2 car unit a total of 128 seats.