Cheung Chuk Shan College is an aided, whole-day co-educational grammar secondary school founded in Hong Kong in 1969 by a group of philanthropists of the Five Districts Business Welfare Association. The School is named after Mr. Cheung Chuk Shan (1882 – 1936), a famous merchant in South China in the early 20th century.
Cheung Chuk Shan College aspires to be a self-enhancing school striving for eminence in proactively nurturing Hong Kong’s leaders of tomorrow. The School aims to provide the best quality education to nurture our students to become literate, competent, conscientious and caring youths by instilling in them logical and creative thinking, fostering proper moral and aesthetic values, fortifying them physically and mentally to overcome challenges, cultivating a sense of civic and social awareness, encouraging them to show love and concern for others and kindling in them the desire for a lifelong pursuit of knowledge for their personal growth towards transcendence.
Viva a vida
O teu sonho, tua fantasia
Viva sua vida
Eu vou na frente
Pra quebrar essa corrente
Que segura essa gente
Que não deixa ela crescer
Eu falo alto só pra ver se ela me escuta
É todo dia nessa luta
Mais um dia eu vou vencer...
O vento soprando em meu rosto
É bom...
No fim do horizonte eu vejo o sol
Você tem que deixar de mentir
Acreditar na cultura do nosso país
Pois aqui eu tenho a natureza,
Eu tenho a natureza
Eu sou congueiro, batuqueiro
Sou guerreiro, sou da Barra do Jucu...