The abbreviation CCRC may refer to:

  • CCRC, a Canadian Christian music record chart
  • City of Cambridge Rowing Club, a rowing club in Cambridge, England
  • ClearCase Remote Client, a feature of IBM Rational ClearCase
  • Climate Change Research Centre, an Australian research initiative focussing on climate change
  • Continuing Care Retirement Communities
  • Criminal Cases Review Commission, an investigative body that reviews possible miscarriages of justice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission, a similar investigative body that reviews possible miscarriages of justice in Scotland
  • Children groups

  • Canadian Children's Rights Council, a Canadian advocacy organization created in 1991
  • Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children, a children's rights organization created in 1989
  • Crimes against Children Research Center, a research group directed by David Finkelhor, created in 1998
  • Podcasts:



    by: George

    I knew you
    Before you entered through the deadly door
    It's eaten away at you
    It's given you the edge
    You're dreaming of returning
    But you don't think you can
    (You don't think you can)
    They don't sell the product to you
    They sell you to the product
    They don't give a fuck about you
    They just want their deadly dosh
    I wish you could see through this
    I wish you could believe
    That you can really do this
    I know you can
    Cuz i knew you
    Before you entered through the deadly door
    It's eaten away at you
    It's given you the edge
    You're dreaming of returning
    But you don't think you can
    You don't think you can
    They don't want to know about
    Your aspirations
    They don't care about where they are
    Sending you to
    They dont't mind they don't mind
    To blacken your stream
    They are pulling you along
    So when will you see
    That i knew you
    Before you entered through the deadly door
    It's eaten away at you
    It's given you the edge
    You're dreaming of returning
    Cuz i knew you
    Before you entered through the deadly door
    It's eaten away at you
    It's given you the edge
    You're dreaming of returning
    (dreaming of returning
    you are dreaming of returning to that
    to that same world

    Latest News for: ccrc

    NOTICE OF CCRC BOARD MEETING (New Jersey Economic Development Authority)

    Public Technologies 11 Mar 2025
    ) March 11, 2025. < 1 minute read. NOTICE OF CCRC BOARD MEETING ... IN PERSON.. NJEDA Board Room. 36 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08625. TELECONFERENCE.. CONFERENCE NAME. CCRC BOARD MEETING. PARTICIPANT DIAL-IN NUMBER ... ... Disclaimer.
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