CAN in Automation
CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users' and manufacturers' organization that develops and supports CAN-based higher-layer protocols.
CiA representatives actively support international standardization of CAN protocols and represent the members’ interest in national and international standardization committees, such as ISO and IEC. CiA members initiate and develop specifications that are then published as CiA standards. These specifications cover physical layer definitions as well as the CANopen application layer and related device profiles.
CiA actively supports the development of the improved CAN protocol (also known as CAN FD), which has been introduced in 2012 by Bosch at the international CAN Conference (iCC). The improved CAN protocol allows higher data rates (up to 8 Mbit/s are realistic) in a part of the CAN data frame. In addition, the data field has been prolonged to 64 byte.
CiA has some 570 members worldwide (2013). The headquarters is located in Nuremberg (Germany).