Kevin Christopher Belnavis (born July 12, 1982), better known by his stage name Torch, is an American rapper signed to Maybach Music Group as part of the group Triple C's. He grew up in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx before moving to Florida as a teen. While living in Miami, he met William Leonard Roberts II who would come to be better known as Rick Ross, a Miami rapper called Gunplay and rapper Young Breed; together, the four would go on to form the southern rap group Triple C's (aka Carol City Cartel).
Torch was born Kevin Christopher Belnavis to his parents Lorna and Christopher Belnavis on July 12, 1982 in the Castle Hill area of the Bronx in New York. Spending most of his childhood on the streets of this rough neighborhood earned Kevin the nickname "Torch" for his rampant and unpredictable misbehavior. Fearful of the dangerous and seemingly predictable path her son was on, Torch’s mother sent him to Florida to live with his older sister. While living in Miami, Torch met his future Triple C’s group members Rick Ross and Gunplay.
A vertically transmitted infection is an infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or in rare cases, parasites transmitted directly from the mother to an embryo, fetus, or baby during pregnancy or childbirth. It can occur when the mother gets an infection as an intercurrent disease in pregnancy. Nutritional deficiencies may exacerbate the risks of perinatal infection.
The transmission can also be called mother-to-child transmission. A vertically transmitted infection can be called a perinatal infection if it is transmitted in the perinatal period, which is the period starting at a gestational age of 22 weeks to 28 (with regional variations in the definition) and ending seven completed days after birth.
The term congenital infection can be used if the vertically transmitted infection persists after childbirth.
Bacteria, viruses, and other organisms are able to be passed from mother to child. Several vertically transmitted infections are included in the TORCH complex, which stands for:
Torch is a fictional character from the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. He is affiliated with Cobra as one of the Dreadnoks and debuted in 1985. He is often seen working closely with Ripper and Buzzer.
His real name is Tom Winken. Torch was born in Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
Torch was remanded to Borstal at age fourteen, but escaped and went to sea in the Merchant Marine, where he learned the use of the cutting torch. He later rode with the Melbourne Maulers motorcycle club. Torch is an illiterate, unrepentant thug with a penchant for violence matched only by the utter depth of his stupidity. He uses his oxy-acetyline torch for remodeling cars and the occasional safe-cracking. He is also known to scavenge the swamps for fun and profit.
Torch was first released as an action figure in 1985.
In the Marvel Comics G.I. Joe series, he first appeared in #25 The Dreadnoks' love for destruction causes an early warning for the staff at McGuire Air Force Base, after they spotted a Dragonfly landing there. Their vandalism sets off an explosion; the soldiers and G.I. Joe manage to set up a defense that drives off the Cobra troops. The Dreadnoks flee the attention of both sides.
A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by local government. Across the world, areas known as "districts" vary greatly in size, spanning entire regions or counties, several municipalities, subdivisions of municipalities, school district, or political district.
In Afghanistan, a district (Persian / Pashto: ولسوالۍ Wuleswali) is a subdivision of a province. There are almost 400 districts in the country.
Electoral districts are used in state elections. Districts were also used in several states as cadastral units for land titles. Some were used as squatting districts. New South Wales had several different types of districts used in the 21st century.
In Austria, a district (Bezirk) is an administrative division normally encompassing several municipalities, roughly equivalent to the Landkreis in Germany. The administrative office of a district, the Bezirkshauptmannschaft, is headed by a Bezirkshauptmann. It is in charge of the administration of all matters of federal and state administrative law and subject to orders from the higher instances, usually the Landeshauptmann (governor) in matters of federal law and the Landesregierung (state government) in state law. While there are matters of administrative law the municipalities themselves are in charge of, or where there are special bodies, the district is the basic unit of general administration in Austria. Officials on the district level are not elected, but appointed by the state government. There are also independent cities in Austria. They are called Statutarstadt in Austrian administrative law. These urban districts do have the same tasks as a normal district.
This article describes the historical development of Korea's provinces (Do ; hangul: 도; hanja: 道).
Provinces (Do) have been the primary administrative division of Korea since the mid Goryeo dynasty in the early 11th century, and were preceded by provincial-level divisions (Ju and Mok) dating back to Unified Silla, in the late 7th century.
During the Unified Silla Period (AD 668–935), Korea was divided into nine Ju (주; 州), an old word for "province" that was used to name both the kingdom's provinces and its provincial capitals.
After Goryeo defeated Silla and Later Baekje in 935 and 936 respectively, the new kingdom "was divided into one royal district (Ginae; 기내; 畿內) and twelve administrative districts (Mok; 목; 牧)" (Nahm 1988), which were soon redivided into ten provinces (Do). In 1009 the country was again redivided, this time into one royal district, five provinces (Do) and two frontier districts (Gye; 계; 界?).
After the Joseon Dynasty's rise to power and the formation of Joseon in 1392, the country was redivided into eight new provinces (Do) in 1413. The provincial boundaries closely reflected major regional and dialect boundaries, and are still often referred to in Korean today simply as the Eight Provinces (Paldo). In 1895, as part of the Gabo Reform, the country was redivided into 23 districts (Bu; 부; 府), which were replaced a year later by thirteen new provinces.
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) is organized into 35 districts, 33 of which are defined along geographic lines. Each district has a president who oversees the congregations in his district, which are further subdivided into local circuits. The position of president is roughly analogous to the role of bishop in many church bodies, but LCMS doctrine supports a generally congregationalist polity as opposed to an exclusively hierarchical governance.
Districts choose their own district presidents at their triennial conventions from among the pastors in the district. In some districts the district president occupies a full-time position, while in others he continues to serve as pastor in a congregation.
The 35 district presidents plus the synod president form the Council of Presidents (COP), which places graduates from the two LCMS seminaries as pastors in congregations which have requested such a candidate. If a congregation desires an experienced pastor to fill a vacancy, the district president may suggest a list of possible candidates (gleaned from interactions with the COP as well as other sources), but the district president does not assign pastors in this case; the congregation extends a "call" directly to the pastor.