Byron Preiss (April 11, 1953 – July 9, 2005) was an American writer, editor, and publisher. He founded and served as president of Byron Preiss Visual Publications, and later of ibooks Inc.
A native of Brooklyn, New York City, Byron Preiss graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania in 1972, and earned a master's degree in communications from Stanford University.
In 1971, while Preiss was teaching at a Philadelphia elementary school, he conceived, and with Jim Steranko, produced an anti-drug comic book, The Block, designed for low-level reading skills. Published by Steranko's company, Supergraphics, it was distributed to schools nationwide.
He founded Byron Preiss Visual Publications in 1974 to publish original works, including Weird Heroes (1975). His 1976 Fiction Illustrated series of illustrated novels began with Schlomo Raven: Public Detective, a Preiss collaboration with Tom Sutton, followed by Starfawn, illustrated by Stephen Fabian, Steranko's Chandler: Red Tide and the 1977 Son of Sherlock Holmes, illustrated by Ralph Reese. Other publications included a 1978 adaptation of Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination as a two-volume graphic novel, illustrated by Howard Chaykin.
(slowa: Tuwim; muzyka: Jezioro,Dziadek,Kukiz)
Na malej stacji w wiosce Poronin
Gdzie pociag stanal przy zgrzycie szyn
Wysiadl z wagonu ojciec a po nim
Razno na peron wyskoczyl syn
Wyszli na droge wesolo idac
Przez kladke przeszli na drugi brzeg
Ojciec przystanal spojrzal na syna
Pomyslal chwile i tak mu rzekl
Tu na tej ziemi dawno juz temu
Za moich mlodych dziecinnych lat
Chodzil po swiecie czlowiek ktoremu
Nowa epoke zawdziecza swiat
Wiesz o kim mowie?
Wiem o Leninie
Czy tutaj mieszkal?
Czy tutaj snil?
Tak na tej ziemi tu w Poroninie
Przed zandarmami Cara sie kryl
Potem umilkli i w zamysleniu
W wielkim skupieniu gdzies dalej szli
Ta sama sciezka po ktorej Lenin
Byc moze chodzil za tamatych dni
Potem umilkli i w zamysleniu
W wielkim skupieniu gdzies dalej szli
Ta sama sciezka po ktorej Lenin