Bymarka is the recreation ground of the city of Trondheim, Norway.
Bymarka is situated to the west of the city center and has an area of 80 km², with more than 200 km of walking tracks. Bymarka is very popular for cross-country skiing in the winter, and for walks, hiking or jogging in the summer. There is a golf course on the fringe near the city. Bymarka borders the Byåsen district, and can be reached by the Gråkall Line tram line or by car.
The elevation in Bymarka is from 200 m to 565 m above sea level, except in the hilly northern part, which reaches down to the Trondheimsfjord. There are more than 10 lakes, and many bogs. However, Bymarka is largely covered with forest, much of it planted from 1870 - 1940. Some non-native trees were planted, such as European Larch and Douglas fir, and there is also Sycamore maple and European ash at the lowest elevations. The most common tree species are the native Norway spruce, Scots pine and Downy birch. Storheia, Bosbergheia and Gråkallen reaches above the treeline (which is at approx 500 meter above sea level) and have some alpine vegetation. As there are no higher mountains nearby, there is a nice view over Trondheim, the fjord and mountain ranges—Trollheimen to the south and Sylane (which is partly in Sweden) to the east.
What's the matter with kids today There so much trouble let's take that noise away Or that's what Helms' would say when he sees the kids aren't acting the "right" way Helms looks at the music but that's not the problem If a kid can't handle a 2Live Crew song song It's because society's in the wrong Is the no solution They keep kids in a strong hold illusion "explicit lyric" to you maybe truth to me but it's the the enemy of the world around me An old man is cussin' and stompin' at the way we live and the way we try to do our best in our world nut he doesn't ask why Bullshit censorship mother fucker you tell me what not to say No fucking way they hear rap or metal they're in a panic if their kid doesn'r hear it he's still fucking manic Censorship won't make him or her any better A constricted kid will always be a fucking bed-wetter Bullshit