A buzzword is a word or phrase that becomes very popular for a period of time. Buzzwords often derive from technical terms yet often have much of the original technical meaning removed, being simply used to impress others, although such "buzzwords" may still have the full meaning when used in certain technical contexts.
Buzzwords often originate in jargon, acronyms, or neologisms. Business speech is particularly vulnerable to buzzwords. Examples of overworked business buzzwords include synergy, vertical, dynamic, cyber and strategy; a common buzzword phrase is "think outside the box".
It has been stated that businesses could not operate without buzzwords as they are shorthands or internal shortcuts that make perfect sense to people informed of the context. However, a useful buzzword can become co-opted into general popular speech and lose its usefulness. According to management professor Robert Kreitner, "Buzzwords are the literary equivalent of Gresham's Law. They will drive out good ideas."
Circling the sky Looking for prey Fresh trail of blood From the dead corpse Feed on the flesh Clawing the head Stripping the skin Eating within Gouging the eyes Gutting insides Gnawing on bones Beaks drip with blood
The US elections were brutal for the Democrats. But here’s the most brutal fact. the places that swung hardest against them were those where they’d been in power for longest — New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles ... .
Newport, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, to name a few ...The Inn’s farm-to-table commitment transcends buzzwords with a dedicated multi-acre operation supplying five restaurants with morning-harvested ingredients that travel mere miles to plate.
In perusing the lineup for this year’s conference, I was pleasantly surprised ... But I’m also cautious. Because I don’t want neurodiversity to get “buzzword treatment.”. We’ve seen it before ... “Empathetic leadership” during the COVID-19 pandemic-era ... ....
By Albert Stumm. The Associated Press. if you ever turned on the TV in the 2000s after midnight, you might have seen an informercial for P90X...Instead, the current buzzword in fitness is “recovery.” ... A more holistic approach to exercise ... .
There was a time not long ago that the exercise mantra in gyms was “no pain, no gain.” Now, the buzzword in fitness is “recovery.” Tony Horton created the intense P90X exercise routine that was promoted in infomercials in the ... .
BEIJING -- China's government work report this year features new entries like "embodied AI" and "6G," as well as recent buzzwords such as "AI Plus," sparking discussions on how these cutting-edge ...
BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) -- China's government work report this year features new entries like "embodied AI" and "6G," as well as recent buzzwords such as "AI Plus," sparking discussions on how these ...