Bursting, or burst firing, is an extremely diverse general phenomenon of the activation patterns of neurons in the central nervous system and spinal cord where periods of rapid action potential spiking are followed by G0 phase quiescent periods. Bursting is thought to be important in the operation of robust central pattern generators, the transmission of neural codes, and some neuropathologies such as epilepsy. The study of bursting both directly and in how it takes part in other neural phenomena has been very popular since the beginnings of cellular neuroscience and is closely tied to the fields of neural synchronization, neural coding, plasticity, and attention.
Observed bursts are named by the number of discrete action potentials they are composed of: a doublet is a two-spike burst, a triplet three and a quadruplet four. Neurons that are intrinsically prone to bursting behavior are referred to as bursters and this tendency to burst may be a product of the environment or the phenotype of the cell.
Bursting in a thousand places
like a bottle of champagne
Burst all over me
Burst all over me
Foaming like a wild horse
Your breath will beat on me
Pulling me tighter with your reins
My eyes will burn on you
Burn on you
My Heart will beat so loudly
Like a drumming through your brain
Then when you think i've finished
I shall beat on you again
My flesh will hit on you
Like waves against a rock
Like being gragged under water
We will fight against the shock
I will hold you in my arms
As the night turns into day
And when i squeeze you tighter
You won't pull away
Like a flash of flame
I will lick you with my tongue
Wetness shall tire eventually
After we're fulfilled our needs
Until lo becomes the hunger once move
And we start once again our feed
Bursting in a thousand places
Like a bottle of champagne
Burst all over me