
In nuclear power technology, burnup (also known as fuel utilization) is a measure of how much energy is extracted from a primary nuclear fuel source. It is measured both as the fraction of fuel atoms that underwent fission in %FIMA (fissions per initial metal atom) and as the actual energy released per mass of initial fuel in gigawatt-days/metric ton of heavy metal (GWd/tHM), or similar units.

Measures of burnup

Expressed as a percentage, burnup is simple: if 5% of the initial heavy metal atoms have undergone fission, the burnup is 5%. In reactor operations, this percentage is difficult to measure, so the alternative definition is preferred. This can be computed by multiplying the thermal power of the plant by the time of operation and dividing by the mass of the initial fuel loading. For example, if a 3000 MW thermal (equivalent to 1000 MW electric) plant uses 24 tonnes of enriched uranium (tU) and operates at full power for 1 year, the average burnup of the fuel is (3000 MW·365 d)/24 metric tonnes = 45.63 GWd/t, or 45,625 MWd/tHM (where HM stands for heavy metal, meaning actinides like thorium, uranium, plutonium, etc.).




by: Papa Roach

I didn't know you were a fake
Every lie straight to my face
So blind I could not see
Right behind my back you stabbed me
Should've know you were a bitch
Shut up you're making me sick
Little man you're nothing like me
Lying cheating so deceiving
I trusted you broke me down
And you screwed me over
Don't try to deny it
You cannot hide it
Ill be ignited
When I get to watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
You're gonna get what you deserve
I wanna watch you burn
You turn me inside out
My world is upside down
You're not hurt are you happy now
Looking over your shoulder fucking me over
I trusted you sold me out
This is far from over
Don't try to deny it
You cannot hide it
Ill be ignited
When I get to watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
I wanna watch you burn
You're gonna get what you deserve
You'll never learn
Your time has come now
Its your turn
I'll watch you burn
Burn Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
You're gonna get what you deserve
You'll never learn
Your time has come now
Its your turn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn
I wanna watch you burn
Burn Burn

Latest News for: burnup

U.S. and Japan collaborate on high-burnup fast reactor fuel safety tests at INL (ANS - American Nuclear Society)

Public Technologies 13 Mar 2025
) Idaho National Laboratory recently conducted a safety test on high-burnup fast reactor fuel from historic irradiation testing at the lab's ...
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