The Burdizzo is a castration device which employs a large clamp designed to break the blood vessels leading into the testicles. Once the blood supply to the testicles is lost, testicular necrosis occurs, and the testicles shrink, soften, and eventually deteriorate completely. When the device is used the operator crushes the spermatic cords one at a time, leaving a space in between in order to maintain an interruption of blood-flow to the scrotum.
The burdizzo is used primarily on farm animals such as cattle and sheep. For example, pampered cattle, used for Kobe beef, are often castrated by this method because of the reduced risk of bleeding and infection.
Burdizzos have also been used by some human males as a means of self-castration, often by those seeking a remedy for a high sex drive, or those who, for religious or personal reasons, seek to become eunuchs. The burdizzo has also been used by some transsexual women and other male-to-female transgender persons, as an alternative to the surgical procedure known as an orchiectomy. Because an incision is not required, castration by burdizzo is usually bloodless and, according to some research, has a lower risk of infection, compared with traditional methods. However, because the burdizzo was not originally designed for human use, and because fairly little research has been done on burdizzo castrations in humans, many physicians and others do not consider the burdizzo to be a safe castration method for humans. While the risks of blood loss and infection are low, anesthesia is a must, as the burdizzo causes blunt force trauma to the spermatic cords, which are thickly wrapped in nerve fibers.
You've got style looking so sharp
Rocking hot smile you're gonna go far
Believe in yourself
You don't need to be who you're not
All that you need is all that you've got
Just believe in yourself
You should know what you are
Money can't buy
'Cause you should know
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you, it's all about you
Have fun in all that you do
Listen to your heart, it's always so true
We believe in you
You can't stop, reach for the stars
Time will tell, tell people who you are
We believe in you
You should know what you are
Money can't buy
You should know
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you, it's all about you
If things are spinning around
We'll pick you up when you're down
You don't have to worry my friend
You should know it's all about you
It's not about the people you know
It's not about the seats at the show
It's not about the places you go
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do
It's all about you
It's not about the money you make
It's not about the little mistakes
It's not about the people you know
You'll be fine on your own
It's not about the clothes that you wear
It's not about the car, I swear
It's the little things you say and you do